As soon as I woke up on this lovely Father's Day morning, I was overcome with happy thoughts about my daddy and our loving family. I went on to spend most of the morning reflecting on my childhood, and all of the amazing memories warmed my heart and brought the biggest smile to my face!
Holidays and special occasions in the Leventis Household are always so perfect, magical, and unforgettable, and Mother's & Father's Day is no exception. They are two of the most important days of the year for my sister and me, and we love showering our parents with overwhelming {and much, much-deserved} amounts of love all day long!
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{The Leventis Family} |
I want to take time to celebrate both of my parents today, and this is a little something special in honor of Father's & Mother's Day…Here's to the most wonderful man & woman I know…My sweet Mama & Daddy!
Although there aren't enough hours in the day or words in the dictionary to describe my amazing parents, I want to attempt to share {without tearing up too badly!} just a few special memories about my mom and dad-my best friends, my mentors, my heroes, my sunshine…
As I reflect back on the {almost} 30 years spent with my beautiful parents, I can't help but be overwhelmed by the perfect memories I have of us. Every thought that passes through my mind is such a happy one, and one thing that is a constant is the fact that they did and still do shower my sister and me with indescribable, unconditional love every second of every day of our lives.
The way our parents love us is so special, and it is a love that I thank God every day for having the honor of feeling. I pray that I can be half the parent they are to me to children of my own some day, and I only wish I can share a bond with my children as strong as the one I share with mom and dad.
I already have happy tears in my eyes as I type this, but here are just a few of the special ways my mama and daddy love me…
My mama and daddy's love baked and decorated every single one of my birthday cakes as long as I can remember…Each cake was specially tailored to my interests and obsessions at the time, whether it was My Little Pony, Cabbage Patch Kids, Cheerleading, etc.
This love taught me how to fish, instilled in me a love for the water, and took us camping on some of the best trips of our lives.
This love served our great nation as a LTC in the US Army for 21 years, fought for our freedoms, and was the most honorable and brave soldier I've ever known…For this and many other reasons, he will always be my true hero.
This love provided me with the best childhood a girl could hope for, and I feel blessed to have been raised in the Army.
This love convinced my sister to let me play with the "big girls" so I never felt left out.
This love got me ready for all my dance recitals and cheered me on each and every day.
This love let me wear my outfits of choice to school when I was little…Even if it consisted of hot pink headbands, shorts, and sunglasses.
This love packed my lunch every, single day and always included a sweet, handwritten note on my napkin to give me just what I needed to make my days at school special and full of smiles.
This love handmade all of our Halloween costumes, and made every holiday so magical and beautiful for us.
This love rescued me from the neighborhood street and nursed me back to health when I had my worst bicycle wreck {although it was one of many}.
This love picked up my crutches and spoke sweet words of encouragement to me when I was overcome with frustration on my middle school steps after injuring my ankle at gymnastics.
This love let me hang Brad Pitt posters on every inch of wall space in my hot pink and bright green childhood bedroom.
This love helped me make campaign posters, buttons, and banners galore whenever I decided I wanted to run for student council offices.
This love never missed any of my cross-country races, track meets, or cheerleading events…Whether it was a weekday or weeknight basketball game, Friday night football game, or out of town competition, they were cheering me on in every arena!
This love helped me get dressed and ready for every high school dance and made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.
This love hugged me so hard and barely let go when they dropped me off for college at my USC dorm.
This love drove to USC for every sorority function, award ceremony, and special event I had.
This love made a trip from Florida to South Carolina to take care of me when I got my wisdom teeth pulled and all my other friends were on Spring Break vacations.
This love comforted, held me, and dried my tears through all the heartaches and heart breaks I suffered through before I found my wonderful husband.
This love shed tears of joy with me when I rushed home to announce my engagement.
This love was with me on that special day that I found that "perfect dress" to wear as I married the man of my dreams.
This love inspires me every day and has shown me how special a marriage should be by the ever-growing and unconditional love they share.
This love has made me the woman that I am today, and I am forever thankful and overwhelmingly grateful for that.
I love you more than you will ever know...
I hope you all have had great Father's Day!

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I just loved that post so much, what a wonderful father and family you have been blessed with and they to have you. Thanks so mcuh for sharing, i'm teary.
Great post thanks for sharing it.