{Lemon Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce}

July 01, 2014

Hey there, friends!!  Are you following my new blog?  I sure hope so! :)

I just wanted to pop in to let you know that I'm doing all of my posting over at Kate and Levi now, and you can find me here.  Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the fun…Like this delicious salmon recipe.  See ya over at Kate and Levi!
{via Cooking Classy}
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{New Beginnings}

June 23, 2014

I have had a special project in the works for weeks now, and I’m so excited to finally share the fun news.

When I first started my Southern Bliss blog back in 2011, it began as a personal journey to document special occasions in my married life.  Since then, blogging has become so much more to me…It’s a bright spot in my day, it’s a creative outlet, it’s a simple pleasure that I indulge in as my baby naps, it’s a means of connecting to so many wonderful people around the world, it’s where I have made new friends, it’s where I have sought advice of fellow moms, and it’s where I find happiness and joy every day.

As my blog began to evolve over the years, I started thinking about my vision for its future.  Although Southern Bliss will always be so very special to me {after all, it was my first blog “baby”}, my heart was leading me in a new direction after the birth of my little girl.  I started brainstorming ideas and names for my new blog, and something just clicked…I want my slice of blogging Heaven to embody everything about me and where I come from, and I couldn’t think of two better names to combine…Katherine and Leventis...The two most special names to me…And thus, Kate and Levi was born, and I couldn’t be more proud!

{Click Here to Visit Kate & Levi}
So please join me on my new journey…New home, new baby, new brand, and now a beautiful new blog.  I hope you enjoy!

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{Five Favorites}

June 21, 2014

I hope you are all having a great week!  I took a few days off to spend some time with my family and celebrate Father's Day with my amazing Dad, and as always, it was such a perfect trip.  My time spent with my family is never long enough, and I would give anything to live right down the street from them.  I can honestly say one of the greatest pleasures in my life is seeing my daughter with my parents…We are so blessed to have them, and I will cherish these special moments forever.

My Five Favorites post this week is in honor of my Daddy…My hero...The most amazing man I have ever known…The man who has made our lives so special, perfect, and wonderful…So thankful God chose him as my Daddy and the most precious Papou of my babies.  We love you, Daddy!!
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{Breakfast Casseroles for Dad}

June 11, 2014

Happy Wednesday, friends!!  Do you know what happens at the end of this week?  It's Father's Day!!! Hooray!!!  I cannot wait to celebrate my amazing Daddy and Kate's sweet Daddy, and I think a delicious, make-ahead breakfast casserole is the perfect treat to begin their celebrations.

I have seen so many recipes that look Father's Day-worthy, and here are a few frontrunners that I'm eyeing.
{Sausage Hashbrown Breakfast Casserole via Southern Living}
{Overnight Breakfast Casserole via Thirty Handmade Days}
{Biscuits and Gravy Casserole via Lemon Sugar}
{Maple Sausage French Toast Bake via Real Housemoms}
What are your Father's Day plans, and do you have any fabulous breakfast casserole recipes to share?

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{Five Favorites}

June 06, 2014

Happy Friday, sweet friends.  I hope you are all doing great!!  It has been a challenging couple of weeks for us, but one thing that we have learned is that we always need to appreciate the little things in life that brighten our days.  Here are some scenes from the past few days making us smile as we head into the weekend…
{Warm cookies and cold milk…A perfect mid-week treat!}
{Our cable box is out of commission so a family movie night it is!}
{Seeing Kate with her little friends warms my heart.}
{She always knows when we need some extra cuddles.}
{Kate comes running to us with her hands full of books to read, & we don't mind a bit!}
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